Flight Voucher Extension
£75.00 – £125.00
Our Flight Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of booking. If you would like to extend your voucher you may do so at any time prior to the date of expiry indicated on your voucher. We offer extensions for 12 months, 18 month and 24 months.
If you purchase a flight voucher extension at the time of booking, your voucher will be fully refundable after 12 months from order confirmation, if you have been unable to fly with us due to weather cancellations.
- Description
All of our Flight Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of booking. If you would like to extend your voucher you may do so at any time prior to the date of expiry indicated on your voucher.
12 Month extension = Total 24 months voucher
18 Month extension = Total 30 months voucher
24 Month extension = Total 36 months voucher