Why choose Vista Balloon Flights?

Book a flight date to suit you, the customer

Flexible flight dates and short notice flight dates available

Weather updates direct to your phone, the day before your flight

Speak directly to your pilot throughout the entire process

Exclusively share the basket with others in your booking

Flight certificate signed by your pilot

Fly close to your chosen area, we can come to you


Extend Your Voucher

Already got an existing booking with us? Extend your voucher with us by either 12, 18 or 24 months.


As ballooning is weather dependent, we sometimes have last minute availability for our flights.

If you’d like to be added to our last minute waiting list, where you’ll only pay for your flight when it happens, please click here.

Areas We Fly From

Experience the thrill of floating through the sky with Vista Balloon Flights. Our hot air balloon rides offer an unforgettable adventure above Northamptonshire and its surrounding areas. We have launch sites in various locations within a 20-mile radius of Northampton, including Wellingborough, Kettering, Daventry, Towcester, Rushden, Brackley, Corby, Market Harborough, Roade, Raunds, Desborough, Earls Barton, Brixworth, Long Buckby, Hardingstone, Duston, Milton Keynes, Irchester, Oundle, Weedon Bec, Rothwell, and, of course, Northampton itself.

Our Pilots

Matt, has been involved with hot air ballooning from a young age. His very…

Chris started ballooning back in 2002 before gaining his pilots licence in 2008. Chris’…

Andrew brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. With over 30…

John has been flying hot air balloons since 1997! In this time he has…